Basic Vocabulary Starts with F
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(r) more quickly

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(n) turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls

(n) the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds

(v) grow feathers; "The young sparrows are fledging already"

(v) turn the oar, while rowing

(v) turn the paddle; in canoeing

(v) cover or fit with feathers

(v) join tongue and groove, in carpentry

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(n) a large flow

(n) the act of flooding; filling to overflowing

(n) light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography

(n) the inward flow of the tide; "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare

(n) the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations"

(n) an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"

(v) cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"

(v) become filled to overflowing; "Our basement flooded during the heavy rains"

(v) fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"

(v) supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"

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(s) violently agitated and turbulent; "boisterous winds and waves"; "the fierce thunders roar me their music"- Ezra Pound; "rough weather"; "rough seas"

(s) ruthless in competition; "cutthroat competition"; "bowelless readiness to take advantage"

(s) marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions"

(s) marked by extreme and violent energy; "a ferocious beating"; "fierce fighting"; "a furious battle"

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(n) a group of warships organized as a tactical unit

(n) a group of steamships operating together under the same ownership

(n) group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership

(n) group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership

(v) disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"

(v) move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart

(s) moving very fast; "fleet of foot"; "the fleet scurrying of squirrels"; "a swift current"; "swift flight of an arrow"; "a swift runner"

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(n) an undeveloped field of study; a topic inviting research and development; "he worked at the frontier of brain science"

(n) an international boundary or the area (often fortified) immediately inside the boundary

(n) a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country; "the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson's day"

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(n) device that removes something from whatever passes through it

(n) an electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it

(v) pass through; "Water permeates sand easily"

(v) remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"

(v) run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream; "water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose"; "reports began to dribble in"

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(n) intense nervous anticipation; "in a fever of resentment"

(n) a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection

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(n) United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864)

(v) help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents"

(v) bring up under fosterage; of children

(v) promote the growth of; "Foster our children's well-being and education"

(s) providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties; "foster parent"; "foster child"; "foster home"; "surrogate father"

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(n) a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)

(n) an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place

(n) a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area

(v) grant a franchise to

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(s) incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"; "living on fixed incomes"

(s) directed with intense concentration; "a fixed stare"; "an intent gaze"

(s) (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value

(a) securely placed or fastened or set; "a fixed piece of wood"; "a fixed resistor"

(s) specified in advance; "a given number"; "we will meet at a given time and location"

(s) fixed and unmoving; "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"; "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise O'Brien; "a face rigid with pain"

(s) not increasing as the amount taxed increases

(s) mended or put in working order; "a reconditioned sewing machine"; "a repaired vacuum cleaner"; "the broken lock is now fixed"

(s) intent and directed steadily; "had her gaze fastened on the stranger"; "a fixed expresson"

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(n) the quality of being adaptable or variable; "he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement"

(n) the trait of being easily persuaded

(n) the property of being flexible

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(r) by good fortune; "fortunately the weather was good"

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(n) someone whose occupation is catching fish

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(a) designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture"

(s) (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing; "in running (or working) order"; "a functional set of brakes"

(a) involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness"

(s) designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture"

(s) fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order"

(a) relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis"

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(s) bending and snapping back readily without breaking

(a) able to flex; able to bend easily; "slim flexible birches"

(a) extended meanings; capable of change; "a flexible character"; "flexible schedules"

(a) making or willing to make concessions; "loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet"

(s) able to adjust readily to different conditions; "an adaptable person"; "a flexible personality"; "an elastic clause in a contract"

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(s) capturing interest as if by a spell; "bewitching smile"; "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker"; "enchanting music"; "an enthralling book"; "antique papers of entrancing design"; "a fascinating woman"

(s) capable of arousing and holding the attention; "a fascinating story"

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(n) a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain

(v) pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain

(s) lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne'er won fair lady"

(s) lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood"

(s) indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "haven't the faintest idea"

(s) barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "faint colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"

(s) lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice"

(s) weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep"

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(n) a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph

(n) a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"

(n) a momentary brightness

(n) a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"

(n) a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story

(n) a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate

(n) a short vivid experience; "a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning"

(n) a sudden intense burst of radiant energy

(n) a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to beat); "if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash"

(v) appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"

(v) emit a brief burst of light; "A shooting star flashed and was gone"

(v) make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"

(v) protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"

(v) run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"

(v) expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"

(v) display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously; "he showed off his new sports car"

(v) gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"

(s) tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

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(n) a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

(n) a person who lacks good judgment

(n) a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages

(v) indulge in horseplay; "Enough horsing around--let's get back to work!"; "The bored children were fooling about"

(v) fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"

(v) spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance"

(v) make a fool or dupe of

Basic Vocabulary Starts with F
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